The Complete Guide to Mobile friendly E-Commerce website design for Businesses

ecommerce website design

Savit is an India-based digital marketing and web design company. It has professional designers to create eCommerce sites and other enterprise-grade platforms. 

Creating a mobile responsive eCommerce website design involves some steps. You can engage qualified web designers to build your eCommerce site.  

Smartphones have made it to purchase products with a few clicks. But, if your eCommerce website is not optimized for these mobile users, you have a chance of losing customers. Developing a mobile responsive e-store is vital to growing your eCommerce business. However, how will you create a responsive  eCommerce website design  to draw customers from mobile platforms? You can engage professionals to create a professional-looking, mobile-friendly digital store. 

Some eyeballs-grabbing facts about eCommerce 

According to a source, adults with an age range of 18 to 24 years are eCommerce buyers. Almost 32% of the mobile audience in the USA comprises eCommerce shoppers. Besides, many mobile users like to make purchases during the festive and holiday seasons. 

How will you create a mobile-friendly eCommerce website design? 

A professional and well-trained developer knows how to make your eCommerce website mobile responsive. 

Choose the approach to creating the eCommerce web design

It is the first step to reaching your goal in the eCommerce industry. A highly responsive design means your web content should look the same or consistent regardless of the browser, device, and operating system. A responsive website page has the ability to identify the orientation and screen size of the visitor’s device. That is why it automatically adjusts the layout.  

 Responsive design is also advantageous from the developers’ perspectives. Moreover, you can avoid the risk of content duplication, as there are no separate sites for desktop and mobile users.

Provide omnichannel experience to shoppers 

Omnichannel or unified experience will satisfy shoppers. So, what does omnichannel experience mean? Suppose a potential buyer has received a discount code on his account. To avail of the discount, he has added some products to the shopping cart from his PC. However, he cannot accomplish the transaction process due to the tight schedule. If you ensure an omnichannel experience, the shopper will be able to place the order and manage the checkout process from his mobile anytime.  

Thus, you can please your eCommerce customers with this facility. 

Maintain the latest standards for UI/UX 

Designers have to create the UX/UI considering colour blindness, palm size, fat fingers, and the readability of the content. These minute details will make a difference in the design. 

Clear CTA 

The call-to-action button should be visible to website users. The most important thing is the button for adding items to the shopping cart. A properly designed button will increase engagement and revenue. 

Focus on the search intent of users

If the designers know the user search intent, they can create the best design. The intent can be of different types, including navigational and transactional. 

You can invest in ECommerce website design services to create a mobile-friendly portal. A flawless interface will attract many visitors. 


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