Since the decline of handmade garments, the textile industry had come a long way. Textiles have now developed into a technology-driven process that has once been considered a labor-intensive art. Thanks to the effects of modern technology in predictive analysis,... Read more

In the last few years, the leaning system has witnessed a drastic change. Presently, students are being taught with innovative teaching methods. Technologies have brought several changes to the education system. From classroom learning to self-learning technologies has put a... Read more

With the advent of latest technology updates like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and the internet of things, modern men and women have become more conscious and responsible about their health. Gone are the days when individuals used to visit diagnostic centers and... Read more
In the last few decades, latest technology updates all across the globe have made the life of human beings more convenient and fast-paced. Smartphones, tabs, cloud computing have revolutionized our lives and made most of the comforts available at our doorstep. Scientists... Read more
Get ready for the biggest and latest updates in the technology from Google, its up-gradation of Google Assistant. Its new version possessed with 10 times faster feature, and some extra advance surprises. As per the Google saying “this new version,... Read more